From there, you can manipulate the report. You programatically create the CRAXDRT.Application, have it create a new CRAXDRT.Report, and then set that as the source of the crviewer control. Register the following DLLs manually as follows: o REGSVR32 \ path \ CRVIEWER.
Scripting - Server Side (PHP, Perl, etc. I used the Crystal Report Viewer Control (crviewer.dll) and the Crystal Report 7 ActiveX Designer Run Time Library (craxdrt.dll). In case the report is not loaded, run the Active X Viewer 11.5 Set up Situation 3: Manually Registering DLL In case report is still not loaded with situation 1 & 2, Run the Active X Viewer 11.5 Setup.Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) & XAML forum.I need a install pkg for crviewer.dll and its dependencies. Crystal Reports XI R1 crviewer.dll not linking properly on the Vista machine. We are installing our product on a client vista machine. NET Installation and Configuration Issues Crystal Reports XI R1 Crviewer.dll install and Register Problem. I enclose the dll from some source code and the ones i try to use with no success thanks for creation example I have crystal xi and i want to use it with vb6 application when i download source code examples no one works always differences in dllsĬan someone just give me what dll should i use and if posible some example